Plants for Fall & Winter Pots
More and more plants are arriving in the greenhouse for your fall and winter containers. This is a good time to refresh your summer pots or change them altogether. Here are some suggestions of plants that we currently have in stock –

Pansies are one of the most popular plants for fall and winter pots. These plants are cold-hardy and will last well into next season. Fertilize and pinch them through the winter months for the best display.

Ornamental cabbages thrive in cold weather and the colors intensify as it gets colder. You can expect them to grow and get much larger during the season.

Huechera (Coral Bells) is perennial and give lasting beauty. Darker colored varieties, like reds and burgundy, are fine in full sun situations. Lighter colors, like yellows and limes, need protection from the sun in afternoon.

Hebes are wonderful plants for their lush and variable folige as well as flowers in the spring and summer months.

Heather is one of the most popular winter shrubs. Winter and summer blooming varieties are available.

Creeping Euonymous is a good trailer and a vigorous one. It will attach itself to walls and stone so occasional trimming is necessary.

Euphorbia is usually thought of as a plant for the border but they do remarkably well in pots. These perennials are colorful and give good contrast with their spiky foliage.

Creeping Jenny is another popular trailing plant. Both green and chartreuse varieties are available. A vigorous grower!

Cordyline plants are great for providing that “thriller” effect in your pots. These plants are surprisingly cold-hardy and will make it through the winter months.

Lonicera (Box Honeysuckle) has fine texture and a good evergreen feature for a pot. It can later be transplanted in the garden where it will make a sizeable shrub.

Lemon Cypress is a popular plant for pots and gives an excellent vertical element. They grow fast and can get over 6′ feet tall in years to come.

Juncus is a thick, stiff grass with wonderful textural benefits, available in vertical and corkscrew habits.

‘Spider’s Web’ Fatsia is a beautiful shrub and a good selection for shady spots. It can later be transplanted to the ground where it will grow to 4 feet.

Creeping Wire Vine is a nice choice for a trailing plant. It is a vigorous grower and can eventually fill your pot.