360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686

Perovskia (Russian Sage)


Russian Sage provides long-lasting color in late summer with its spiky blue flowers. It is also a bee magnet. A very easy-to-grow perennial given the proper conditions (see below) and very tough and drought-tolerant once established. The plant name comes from Russian general V. A. Perovsky (1794-1857).

Common Name: Russian Sage

Botanical Name: Perovskia atriplicifolia

Native Range: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Asia

Type of Plant: Perennial

Hardiness Zone: 4 (-20 -30 degrees)

Bloom Time: Mid to Late Summer (July – Frost)

Flowers: Blue/violet spires

Foliage: Gray-green, aromatic (sage-like)

Size: Different cultivars are available with the tallest varieties reaching 5 feet or more. Recent introductions, such as ‘Little Spire’, grow 2-3 feet. Plants are generally very bushy and need space to spread. They dislike being crowded.

Growing conditions: Well-drained, sandy or loamy soil is best. Plant in full sun (at least 5-6 hours of sun). Drainage is essential during the winter months as wet soils will kill the plant.

Pruning: Cut plants down to 6-12 inches in early spring or after frost. This will promote a bushier plant.




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