Gardening Activities for March
March is a busy time in the garden and there is much to be done. Pruning Some shrubs (like...
March is a busy time in the garden and there is much to be done. Pruning Some shrubs (like...
February can be an unpredictable month with either cold or mild temperatures depending on the year. Snow is not...
January may be cold and dreary, but it is a good time to plan ahead for the coming year and...
Goldenrod (Solidago)October is a great time in the garden. Now is the time for garden clean-up, getting new plants in...
September has arrived and our temperatures have been all over the map with nice days in the 70s followed by...
Hibiscus ‘Midnight Marvel’ Gardening slows down in August, both for the plants and people. The hotter temperatures and drier air...
July is here and the present sweltering heat wave means limited garden work. Watering is crucial but some other...
PLANTING – Continue planting annuals for summer pots and bedding. Larger plants like trees and shrubs can also be planted...
May is a beautiful month in the garden with rhododendrons, lilacs and early spring-flowering shrubs at their peaks. Keep...
Spring is off to a faster start this year but we still are experiencing cold nights and some cold days....