360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686

Posts by Oliver

Gardening Activities for March

Gardening Activities for March

  March is a busy time in the garden and there is much to be done. Pruning Some shrubs (like...

Garden Activities for February

Garden Activities for February

  February can be an unpredictable month with either cold or mild temperatures depending on the year. Snow is not...

Growing Asparagus

Asparagus plants are now in stock! Growing asparagus requires time and patience but it is worth the wait and good...



Hellebores are often called the “winter jewels” of the garden and rightly so. There are very few plants that display...

Osmanthus ‘Goshiki’

Osmanthus ‘Goshiki’

Many mistake Osmanthus “Goshiki’ for holly and indeed the common name for this plant is “False Holly”. The variety ‘Goshiki’...

Garden Activities for January

Garden Activities for January

January may be cold and dreary, but it is a good time to plan ahead for the coming year and...

Winter Flowering Shrubs

Winter Flowering Shrubs

Winters need not be flowerless! Here are a few shrubs that offer flowers during the winter season. Camellia Camellias may...

Winter Rose Care

Winter Rose Care

Although major rose pruning is not done until late February into early March, there are a few things you can...



‘Morning Light’ Maiden Grass

‘Morning Light’ Maiden Grass

Ornamental grasses have become very popular and for good reason. They are easy and carefree, they grow fast and, if...

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