360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686

Red Chokeberry


‘Brilliantisima’ is a vivid red-colored form of Aronia aubutifolia, more commonly known as “red chokeberry”. The name comes from the notion that birds avoid the berries because of their extreme acidic nature.

Red chokeberry is an upright shrub (6-8 feet) with green leaves and tiny white flowers in spring. Flowers are followed by berries which ripen in the autumn months. Undemanding and easy to grow, it adapts to a variety of soil conditions, including wet soils. It can be planted in masses or as specimen plants. Full sun will give the best fruit production but partial shade is adequate.

Shrubs tend to get leggy with age so annual pruning is advised. The oldest canes can be cut down to the ground and the remaining canes reduced by one third.


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