360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686

New Hydrangeas


A new shipment of hydrangeas just arrived last week with some exciting new varieties as well as some returning gems.

Eclipse – The most-talked about new hydrangea this year is ‘Eclipse’ from First Editions. This dramatic mophead variety has dark bungundy, almost black, foliage. The flowers are cranberry colored in alkaline soils and amethyst in acidic soils. It grows to 3-5 feet. Grows best with morning sun and afternoon shade.


‘Pink Dynamo’ – If you like dark foliage but prefer lacecap types blooms, take a look at ‘Pink Dynamo’. This is a mountain hydrangea (Hydrangea serrata) and grows to 3′. Mountain hydrangeas need shade but can tolerate some sun, preferably in the morning hours.


Let’s Dance ‘Can Do’ is unique because it develops flower buds all along the stems instead of just at the top. Blooms appear early and it is hardy to zone 4. Lacecap type blooms are light pink in alkaline soils and lavender in acid soils.


Let’s Dance ‘Blue Jangles‘ is a very compact variety, growing to 2-3 feet. It is a great choice for containers. Flower color is saturated blue in acid soils and pink in alkaline.


Let’s Dance ‘Arriba’ is another exciting selection in the “Let’s Dance” series. A compact habit (3′ x 3′) and dense flowers with strong colors (rich violet-purple in acid soils, pink in alkaline). A reliable rebloomer.


‘Tilt-A-Swirl’ is similar to the popular ‘Pistachio’ in color with green, pink and red colors. It grows from 3-4 feet. This selection was the winner of the Gold Medal at Planetarium International Trade Fair in Holland.


‘Tuff Stuff’ – We have offered ‘Tuff Stuff’ in the past and now it is back in stock. This beautiful mountain hydrangea has lacecap blooms in blue (acid soils) or pink (alkaline) and sometimes a mixture of both! This is a mountain hydrangea (Hydrangea serrata) and needs protection from intense sun.


‘Torch’ – On the panicle front, ‘Torch’ produces large cone-shaped flowers that start out white and turn to shades of pink and red. With a sturdy, upright form, it grows to 5 feet or more. Panicle hydrangeas do great in full sun or partial shade. (Photo by Bloomin’ Easy)

Photos by Phillip Oliver unless noted otherwise


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