360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686

Native Plants


Our Native Plants table (located in the greenhouse) is beginning to fill up. Here is a sampling of our current inventory:

‘Cardinal’ Redtwig Dogwood (Cornus sericea) – Easy to grow, deciduous shrub with bright-red stems in winter. Adaptable to many soil types and thrives in wetter soils. 6’ or taller with a spreading habit. Sun to partial shade. (Photo: Monrovia)

Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) – Deciduous shrub with a bushy, rounded shape. Pale pink flowers bloom in June and July followed by berries that ripen to creamy white in fall. Spreads vigorously through rhizomes and can create a thicket. To 6’ feet tall, sun to part shade. (Photo: Munchflemming, Visual Hunt)



Red Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum) – Popular native shrub with outstanding flowers in eary spring that are highly attractive to hummingbirds and other pollinators. Grows to 4′-10′ high and wide. Sun or partial shade. (Photo: Phillip Oliver)






Mock Orange (Philadelphus lewisii) – A deciduous multi-stemmed shrub with arching branches. In June, the shrub is covered with delicate, four-petaled white flowers with yellow centers giving off the scent of orange blossoms. 8’-10’ feet, sun to part shade. (Photo: Usually Melancholy, Visual Hunt)



Douglas Spirea (Spirea douglasii) – Clump-forming deciduous shrub with plumes of rose-pink flowers. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant. Tolerates moist soil, good near ponds. 5’-10’ feet tall by 4’-6’ feet wide. (Photo: John Brandauer, Visual Hunt)

Twinberry Honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata) – A deciduous shrub with yellow, tubular flowers growing in pairs surrounded by green bracts in June. In late summer, the bracts turn a deep red as the fruit ripens. Berries are too bitter to eat. 5’-10’ feet, sun or shade. (Photo: John Rusk, Visual Hunt)

Douglas Spirea (Spirea douglasii) – Clump-forming deciduous shrub with plumes of rose-pink flowers. Attracts butterflies and is deer resistant. Tolerates moist soil, good near ponds. 5’-10’ feet tall by 4’-6’ feet wide. (Photo: John Brandauer, Visual Hunt)

Pacific Ninebark (Physocarops capitatus) – A lovely shrub with textured, shredding bark. In June, ball-like clusters of white flowers mature to seeds enjoyed by birds. Can create dense thickets providing shelter to wildlife. 5’-12’ feet, sun to part shade. (Photo: John Rusk, Visual Hunt)

Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus) – A lovely shrub with fragrant, bright white flowers on thornless stems. Bright red berries similar to raspberries are produced in mid to late summer. Edible for humans and wildlife. Pollinators love the flowers. 3’-5’ feet, sun to part shade. (Photo: CAJC, Visual Hunt)

Clustered Rose (Rosa pisocarpa) – Deciduous thicket forming shrub with clusters of five-petaled, powder-pink flowers. Blooms May – July and has a pleasant fragrance. In late fall, red-orange rose hips appear. Does well in areas with moist soil. 3’-8’ feet tall. (Photo: Mt Lynette, Visual Hunt)

Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana) – A sturdy, majestic tree with wavy, glossy-green leaves. Mature trees provide food and habitats to many birds and mammals. The acorns are edible for humans as well. Grows 30 feet and more. A tree to plant for future generations. (Photo: Colin Durfee, Visual Hunt)

Indian Plum/Osoberry (Oemleria cerasiformus) – Medium-growing, deciduous broadleaf shrub with fragrant white flowers in early spring. Golden yellow fall color. Height 10-20 ft., spreading to 10-15 ft. Part shade. (Photo: Ngawangchodron, Visual Hunt)

Evergreen Huckleberry (Vaccinium ovatum) – Evergreen shrub with glossy, ovate leaves. Produces black-blue berries in summer, great for jam or jelly. 6-12 feet in height (taller in shady areas). Sun or shade. (Photo: John Rusk, Visual Hunt)

Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) – Upright, evergreen shrub with dark-green, leathery-spiny leaves. Bright yellow flowers in spring followed by blue-black berries in fall. Deer and rabbit resistant. Prefers some shade. 2’-10’ feet tall by 3’-6’ feet wide. (Photo: A. Davey, Visual Hunt)

Kinnikinnick (Arcostaphylos) – Low-growing, evergreen groundcover with flat, shiny dark green leaves, turning red in winter. Clusters of pink-white flowers mature to small red fruit. Sun to part-shade. Grows 4” tall by 20” wide. (Photo: MikoFox, Visual Hunt)

Coyote Bush/Brush (Baccharis pilularis) – Evergreen to semi-evergreen shrub with shiny, bright green, rounded leaves. Fast growing, matures in one to two years. Flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds. Deer resistant. Drought tolerant. (Photo: Dana Brown, Visual Hunt)

Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) – Evergreen conifer in the pine family with long, dark green, flat needles growing in a spiral arrangement surrounding each branch. Oblong cones appear in the fall. Allow plenty of room, trees can reach 80-100 feet. (Photo: Matt Lavin, Visual Hunt)

Salal (Gaultheria shallon) – Medium-growing, spreading evergreen shrub with white flowers in early summer and blue-black berries in late summer. Grows 2 – 10 ft. Sun or shade. (Photo: Phillip Oliver)

Western Crabapple (Malus fusca) – Thicket-forming shrub or multi-trunked tree with fragrant white to pink flowers followed by yellow to reddish purple fruit. Fruits linger into winter and are highly desirable to birds. Can also be used in jams and jellies. Tolerant of wet conditions. Full sun is best. (Photo: J.G. in S.F., Visual Hunt)

Choke Cherry (Prunus virginiana) – A pollinator magnet (especially to butterflies) with cone-shaped clusters of creamy-white flowers followed by red to purple berries. Grows 10’-30’ feet. Does well in containers. Sun to part shade. (Photo: Kunze, Visual Hunt)



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