360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686

‘Morning Light’ Maiden Grass


Ornamental grasses have become very popular and for good reason. They are easy and carefree, they grow fast and, if you don’t cut them down in the fall, display stunning colors. ‘Morning Light’ in particular is a very showy cultivar with bright yellow and gold foliage during the winter months.

Miscanthus sinensis, better known as “Maiden Grass” is a gracefully arching, fine-textured grass that forms dense clumps. ‘Morning Light’ has a white band along the blade margins. It grows like a fountain, attaining 4 feet or more in height with an equal width. Reddish pink plumes appear in the fall and last into the winter. The rich gold color occurs after temperatures drop.

Maiden grass is often used in the landscape as a specimen or screen and it can also be used as a background plant intermingled with other shrubs or perennials. Group plantings are very effective. It is also good to use for screening out air conditioner units or other eyesores.

Ornamental grasses prefer sunny locations and are adaptable to a wide range of soil types as long as they are well-drained. They are drought tolerant. Choose your planting location wisely as the clumps are difficult to move once established.

Photos by Phillip Oliver


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