Bonsai enthusiasts – check out our new selection of mini plants! These plants are priced at 14.99. We also have a selection of bowls and pots. You will find these plants and pots outside the greenhouse (ask one of our greenhouse workers for direction).
The following are just some of the selections we have on hand –

Mugo Pine ‘Twisty’

‘Strieb’s Findling’ Cotoneaster

‘Golden Promise’ Japanese Cedar

Dwarf Wisteria

‘Twinkle Toes’ Japanese Cedar

Thuja ‘Autumn Gold’

“Thoweil’ Hinoki Cypress

‘Seiju’ Chinese Elm

‘Rock Garden’ Holly

‘Hebe’ Canadian Hemlock

‘Jersey Jewel’ Japanese Holly

Juniper ‘Shimpaku’

Mini Maple

‘Moon Frost’ Canadian Hemlock

‘Dwarf Japanese Garden’ Juniper

‘Boyd’s Willow’