Japanese Maples Fall Color
The elegant Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) is a lovely tree in any season but fall color is undeniably a major attraction for adding them to your garden. Depending on the variety, colors range in the red, yellow and orange spectrum.
Here is a gallery of varieties that are typically available in our nursery (inventory is low at this time of year but new stock for next season will be arriving in the coming months).

One of our most popular varieties, ‘Sango Kaku’ aka ‘Coral Bark Maple’ has bright red stems for new growth and bright yellow color in fall.

Golden Full Moon Maple (Acer shirasawanum ‘Aureum’) is a stunning variety that needs protection from afternoon sun.

‘Bloodgood’ is one of the most popular varieties. The deep burgundy foliage maintains its color even in the hot sun in summer.