Gardening Activities for December
The temperatures and the weather put a damper on gardening activities this time of year but on those occasional dry, sunny days, there are a few tasks that can be done. If the weather has you cooped up inside, this is a good time to take stock of your garden and make plans for the coming year. Draw out plans for new projects and planting areas. Make notes of what performed well this year and what did not.
Houseplants – Of course when most outdoor plants are dormant, indoor gardening is a good way to get your fix. For color and flowers, plant amaryllis and paperwhite narcissus. These plants are fun to grow and provide color and interest during the winter months. Keep other houseplants watered and groomed and keep a check for insects.
Seasonal Arrangements – There are many evergreen plants that make excellent material for wreaths and arrangements. They include Western Red Cedar, Incense Cedar, Holly, Huckleberry, Salal, Oregon Grape, Red & Yellow Stemmed Dogwood, Snowberry, Sarcococca and more. If you don’t already have some of these great shrubs and trees in your garden, consider adding some for next year.
Transplanting – Deciduous trees and larger shrubs can be moved as long as there is no frost in the ground.
Planting – Trees and shrubs can be planted throughout the winter months.
Mulching – If you missed applying mulch earlier in the fall, it is not too late.
Pest & Disease Prevention – Apply dormant oil spray to fruit trees and ornamentals around New Year’s Day and then every 2-3 weeks weather permitting until bud break. Dormant oil or horticultural oil paired with liquid copper fungicide is the best defense against insects and fungal issues. Mix 1 ounce liquid copper (Liqui-Cop) with 2 ounces of horticultural oil in 1 gallon of water.
Remove any remaining leaves from roses and keep the ground around them clear of fallen leaves.
Lawns – Pelletized lime can be added to lawns. You can also add Six-Iron fertilizer to green up the grass and provide needed nitrogen. Keep leaves raked off of grass.
Garden Tools – Clean, disinfect and sharpen garden tools.