Flowering Cherry Trees
One of the most beautiful flowering trees in early spring is the Flowering Cherry. These trees are easy to grow, given that they are planted in well-draining soil. If you have heavy clay soil, consider planting on a berm or in a raised bed. The best flowering will occur in full sun. Only minimal pruning is recommended. Flowering cherry trees are good to garden under and make a dramatic statement in the spring garden.
At the moment (4/23), our varieties include:

Double Weeping Flowering Cherry ‘Pendula’ (Prunus subhertilla) grows 12-15 feet with profuse pink flowers. (Photo courtesy of Monrovia Nursery)

Kwansan Cherry (Prunus serrulata) – Double pink flowers in pendent clusters. Young leaves are red. 20-30 ft. high with 15-20 ft. spread. (Photo courtesy 1sock, Visual Hunt)

‘Mount Fuji’ (Prunus serrulata) – Attractive clusters of fragrant white flowers with bronze-tinged new foliage. 15-20 ft. high, 20-25 ft. wide. (Photo courtesy Monrovia Nursery)

‘Akebano’ (Prunus yedoensis) Very disease-resistant for the Pacific Northwest. Vase-like growth, 20-25 ft. tall and wide with blush pink flowers. (Photo courtesy Monrovia Nursery)

‘Yoshino‘ Cherry (Prunus yedoensis) has pinkish white flowers and grows 20-30 ft. tall and wide. These are the famous trees around the Tidal Basin in Washington D.C. (Photo courtesy Diana Robinson, Visual Hunt)