Conifers For The Winter Garden
The garden can be a bleak one in the winter months with the absence of evergreen plants and conifers. If you are just beginning a garden, think about the larger plants first or the ones that will form the foundation of your garden. Evergreens are a viable option and will not only provide structural balance but also will give you something to look at all year long. The following are some popular options.

Mugo Pine – A very popular plant in Pacific Northwest gardens, the mugo pine provides a beautiful accent in the garden. These are smaller growing pines with most varieties growing to 4-5′. Some varieties maintain even smaller proportions. Dark green varieties are abundant or you can choose one such as this ‘Aurea’ which has a lighter green/yellow color in the winter months.

Weeping Sequoia – This iconic conifer is a unique choice for the garden. Growing very narrow (3-4′ wide) but very tall (15-25′), this makes a good accent plant. As it gets older, the limbs can take unexpected twists and turns. Many people refer to this one as the “Dr. Seuss tree” due to its bizarre structure.

‘Skylands’ Spruce – (Picea orientalis ‘Skylands’) is an upright tree with elegant tiered branching. It will eventually reach 12-15′ feet in height and 4-6′ feet wide. The bright chartreuse green color of the needles makes this one really stand out. Young plants will fade if situated in full sun. Protection from afternoon sun is advised.

‘Swane’s Golden’ Cypress makes an attractive punctuation in the landscape with golden yellow needles. They can reach 20′ feet in height but only about 2-3′ feet in width.

Deodar Cedar ‘Feelin’ Blue’ – The much-admired deodar cedar can be too large for most gardens but here is a variety that is much smaller. Growing 4-6′, sometimes not developing a leader, allowing it to sprawl on the ground from 6-10 ft.