Cistus ‘Mickie’
When it comes to easy and carefree shrubs, Cistus (Rockrose) would have to rank in the top ten. Cistus hybridus ‘Mickie’ is a unique golden variegated variety that has bright leaves that are green and edged with bright golden-yellow. The leaves are evergreen and remain through the winter. Crepe-like white flowers, with yellow centers, appear in early spring. As shrubs mature, blooming becomes heavier. It is an attractive plant and the photos show it in May, October and January. The bottom photo was taken after the snow and ice storm.
This is not a fussy plant and flourishes with a minimal of care. Hailing from the Mediterranean, they like sunny locations with well-drained soil and prefer to stay dry during the summer months. Plants are hardy to 15 degrees and can withstand colder temperatures with placed in sheltered locations. Plant height is from 3-4 feet with a spread of 4 to 6 feet. Only minimal pruning is advised, and this should be done as a light shearing after flowering finishes.
Cistus ‘Mickie’ is a great plant for dry borders, rock gardens, low hedging, erosion control and fire hazard areas.