360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686

Posts by Oliver

Podophyllum ‘Spotty Dotty’

Podophyllum ‘Spotty Dotty’

Dramatic foliage plants are always welcome in a shade garden and here’s one that not only showcases big leaves but...

Garden Activities for April

Garden Activities for April

Spring is off to a faster start this year but we still are experiencing cold nights and some cold days....

Sweet Peas

Sweet Peas

One of our most colorful annual vines is the Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odaratus). Growing to 6 feet or more, vines...

Paper Bush (Edgeworthia)

Paper Bush (Edgeworthia)

It is usually a shock when one stumbles upon a blooming Edgeworthia (commonly called “Paper bush” or “Oriental Paper bush”)...

A Walk Through The Greenhouse

A Walk Through The Greenhouse

Spring is just around the corner but for a quick fix, step inside our greenhouse where many treasures await… A...

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel

The Witch Hazel (Hamamelis) is one of the most spectacular blooming shrubs (or you might call them small trees) for...

Early Flowers

Early Flowers

It was just a few weeks ago that we had frigid temperatures, snow and ice. But now, flowers are emerging!...

Cistus ‘Mickie’

Cistus ‘Mickie’

When it comes to easy and carefree shrubs, Cistus (Rockrose) would have to rank in the top ten. Cistus hybridus...

Shrubby Dogwoods

Shrubby Dogwoods

The Dogwood family (genus Cornus) features many different types of plants. The most familiar are the trees which are take...

Caring for Houseplants During the Winter Months

Caring for Houseplants During the Winter Months

Whether you have houseplants that are a year-round fixture or you are over-wintering tropical or tender plants inside for the...

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