Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries & Grapes
Tips For Growing Berries and Grapes
Growing and eating your own berries and grapes is very rewarding! Read on to find out some helpful information for successful growing.
~ Blackberries ~
Blackberries are self-pollinating so only one variety is needed for pollination. Blackberry canes are biennial which means they grow one year (primocanes) and produce fruit the next year (floricanes).
Planting & Tips:
Please refer to our Planting and Watering Instructions for general guidelines on soil preparation and watering. In addition:
~ Blueberries ~
Blueberries are divided into three classes based on the season they produce fruit.
While most blueberries are self-pollinating, cross-pollination between two different varieties of the same season will result in larger, sweeter berries.
Planting & Care Tips:
Please refer to our Planting and Watering Instructions for general guidelines on soil preparation and watering. In addition:
~ Raspberries ~
There are two classes of raspberries, summer-bearing and everbearing. Summer-bearing produces one crop in the summer on 2-year-old canes. Everbearing produces one crop in summer on 2-year-old canes and another in early fall on current season’s growth. Raspberries are self-pollinating so only one variety is needed for pollination.
Planting & Care Tips:
Please refer to our Planting and Watering Instructions for general guidelines on soil preparation and watering. In addition:
Summer-bearing: After harvest, remove canes that bore fruit (floricanes) and train the current season’s’ canes (primocanes) along a trellis.
Everbearing: After summer harvest, prune fruiting canes back completely. After fall harvest, prune the fruiting canes back halfway.
~ Strawberries ~
Strawberry varieties fall into two classes, June Bearing and Everbearing. June Bearing produces fruit all at once in late spring/early summer. Everbearing produces fruit in late spring/early summer and then again in late summer/early fall. Both kinds are self-pollinating so only one variety is needed for pollination.
Planting & Care Tips:
~ Grapes ~
Grapes are self-fertile; only one variety is needed for pollination. Vines require 2-3 years to produce a good harvest.
Planting & Care Tips:
Prune grapes in January or February to prevent them from bleeding sap. Grape vines are pruned differently according to the age of the vine. The following method is referred to as “spur pruning”.
1501 NE 102nd Street
Vancouver, WA 98686
Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday : 8:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
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Christmas Eve: Close at 2pm
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