Pruning Roses
There are many benefits to pruning your roses. They will be healthier and it will prolong the life of the...
There are many benefits to pruning your roses. They will be healthier and it will prolong the life of the...
Many mistake Osmanthus “Goshiki’ for holly and indeed the common name for this plant is “False Holly”. The variety ‘Goshiki’...
Winters need not be flowerless! Here are a few shrubs that offer flowers during the winter season. Camellia Camellias may...
We are beginning to see fall color on some of the shrubs in the nursery. The color change on leaves...
‘Brilliantisima’ is a vivid red-colored form of Aronia aubutifolia, more commonly known as “red chokeberry”. The name comes from the...
Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is a shrub that evokes memories of childhood and our grandparent’s gardens. It is a...
Vitex agnus-castus, commonly called Chaste Tree, gets its name from the mythic legends of its anaphrodisiac properties. Athenian women used...
The “Sugar Shack” Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) is an unusual shrub with striking white pincushion flowers that leave behind red fruit....
The first thing you may notice on this striking shrub are the bees. They absolutely love it and are always...
The intoxicating fragrance of Sweet Olive (Osmanthus fragrans) is one that catches you by surprise as the flowers are inconspicuous....