360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686


Pineapple Sage

Pineapple Sage

Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans) is a late-blooming annual (or tender perennial) that takes its sweet time about blooming. In fact,...

Fall Container Plants

Fall Container Plants

There is a noticeable change in the air and new plants have arrived in the greenhouse. It is that time...

Annuals for Shade

Annuals for Shade

Last week, we featured annuals for sun and this week the focus is on shade. Keep in mind that most...

Annuals for Sun

Annuals for Sun

Temperatures are warming up and it will soon be time to plant annuals. (For best results, plant annuals in exposed...

Sweet Peas

Sweet Peas

One of our most colorful annual vines is the Sweet Pea (Lathyrus odaratus). Growing to 6 feet or more, vines...

Plants for Fall & Winter Pots

Plants for Fall & Winter Pots

More and more plants are arriving in the greenhouse for your fall and winter containers. This is a good time...

Pollinator Plants

Pollinator Plants

June 20-26th is Pollinator Week. Dwindling populations of butterflies, bees and other insects is becoming more commonplace due to several...

Winter Containers

Winter Containers

Annuals in pots will be finished soon as frosts are rapidly approaching. It is time to replace those plants with...

Evergreen plants for winter containers

Evergreen plants for winter containers

Butterfly Gardening

Butterfly Gardening

Some Tips for Creating a Butterfly Garden Select a sunny location and one that is preferably blocked by wind. Provide...

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