360.573.7172 | 1501 NE 102nd Street, Vancouver WA 98686

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Camellia sasanqua

Camellia sasanqua

As you head toward the back of the greenhouse, you will notice a flurry of colorful blooms. These are the...

Joe Pye Weed

Joe Pye Weed

So who is Joe Pye and why would you call a perennial garden plant a weed? Both valid questions. Firstly,...

Anniversary Sale

Anniversary Sale

Make plans for Yard ‘n Garden Land’s Anniversary Sale on Saturday, August 27th from 8- 5! Everything will be 20%...

Evergreen Magnolias

Evergreen Magnolias

One of the most stately and elegant of trees, the evergreen magnolia (commonly known as “Southern Magnolia”) is one of...



One of the most spectacular perennials to adorn Pacific Northwest gardens is the Delphinium. Very few gardeners in the nation...

Greenman Stone Statuary

Greenman Stone Statuary

While browsing through our greenhouse, you have probably noticed the various small statuary sprinkled among our displays. They are products...

Tree Hydrangeas

Tree Hydrangeas

We just received a huge shipment of tree hydrangeas. These beauties are full of buds and will begin blooming shortly....

Pollinator Plants

Pollinator Plants

June 20-26th is Pollinator Week. Dwindling populations of butterflies, bees and other insects is becoming more commonplace due to several...

Salvia (Sage)

Salvia (Sage)

One of the most popular perennials is the Salvia, often referred to as “sage”. A member of the mint family,...

Dianthus (Pinks)

Dianthus (Pinks)

Dianthus, commonly referred to as “pinks”, “sweet William” or “carnations”, are perennials noted for their old-fashioned charm. The mat-forming evergreen...

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